Ginger Krantz, Horse Whisperer and Healer: Interview Transcript
Host Julie Migneault, at Embodied Awakening on Intention Radio: May 31, 2013
JULIE MIGNEAULT, HOST: Hey everyone this is Julie Migneault here at Embodied Awakening Radio on the Intention Radio platform and I am so excited to be with you again for another Friday afternoon and today I am really excited to share an amazing guest. Someone I have worked with personally in my work with my own pet, her name is Ginger Krantz; Hi, Ginger.
MS. MIGNEAULT: How are you today?
MS. KRANTZ: I’m doing all right.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Thank you so much for being with us and sharing some of your wisdom around your healing work and work with horses and animals.
MS. KRANTZ: Well thank you for inviting me to share.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Yeah, I just want to tell the audience that my cat was going through some trauma when we moved, I moved houses, and all sorts of different things happened at once and I think her nervous system was totally shot and I just did one session with you and over the course of a couple weeks she totally unwound, it was really, really amazing. She is back to her old self now. She was like high-strung and going through some things, so thank you for that. I got to experience first hand the power of your work.
MS. KRANTZ: You’re welcome. It’s always just a gift to be asked.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Yeah, wonderful. Tell me a little bit about yourself as a healer and a horse, I will call you a Horse Whisperer. I don’t know of you call yourself that.
MS. KRANTZ: You know, I don’t call myself that, but I find sometimes that is what I end up doing: literally whispering to them.
My background is in healing and I was trained working with people. I went through The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, her international school. I went through the four-year program there and then after graduation I went on to be a teacher in training and then a teacher. During school I had purchased a horse, my first horse, which was my life dream, and as I was going through school and learning about healing, my horse, I became aware that he had some structural issues. And I started applying the healing skills to my horse and had some really amazing results. I started to realize, when I dipped into his energy field in the way that we did in school, that there was a lot of things that were similar. Then, when I was teaching at the school I had permission from Barbara, along with a couple of my colleagues, to teach a class in how to apply the skills we were learning at school to animals.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Wow! That would have been fantastic, they don’t do that anymore.
MS. KRANTZ: It was a wonderful experience. From there I went on to, after I was in school for 9 years; actually overlapping with school and teaching, I started studying with Tom Brown Jr. at his survival school in New Jersey, where I learned about healing through the eyes of a shaman and about living close to the earth.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Was that also for humans, the training was it like for healing on humans?
MS. KRANTZ: Yes, it was also for humans, yes, it was also for humans but it applies. It’s about taking that material, because horses are my passion, and it applying it to horses and I just felt the calling to do that. The shamanism, really – I felt, dovetailed well with working with the horses and the animals I work with because the basic survival, the living close to the earth – that’s the way the animals live. We, as humans, have sort of moved away from that in many ways, but animals are very, very close to that relationship to the earth. Survival is very real for them.
MS. MIGNEAULT: That’s interesting, because, actually when I think about my own experiences when I do deep healing work with myself or my clients, a lot of times it is, even though we mentally are not living in survival mode a lot of times our bodies are living in a survival mode.
MS. KRANTZ: Right, especially with trauma, post traumatic stress disorder, definitely. With the way we are living, I think that comes out of our not being close to the earth. They go together.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Can you say a little bit more about that?
MS. KRANTZ: Well, the earth is a tremendous source of healing energy and when the indigenous people were living so close to the earth their systems were open. They were open to the earth, they were open to the environment around them, they were using more whole brain thinking. I think a lot of what we’re doing today is trying to find our way back to that way of being, because there’s healing in that.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Yeah. Rosalyn Bruyere was on the show a few weeks ago and she mentioned, she’s going to be teaching on the big island which is like that baby chi energy that’s the earth literally creating herself and if we can tap into that there’s just and connect with it there’s just so much rejuvenation that can happen in our own physical bodies. So, it’s just finding those pathways back, back to that connection.
MS. KRANTZ: Well it’s here, the pathways are here. It’s opening to them, acknowledging them and becoming aware of where we disconnected, where we separated. It’s always here, the earth is always here. They are always there – waiting for us to remember who we are.
MS. MIGNEAULT: That sounds like a beautiful blend, the shamanism and then the work you’ve brought forth from the Barbara Brennan training. Tell us a little bit more about your journey. Let’s see, your horse was sick and you started working and it worked. How did that inspire your passion for working with horses? How did that lead you to working with horses?
MS. KRANTZ: I think that part of it is just my personality: loving the outdoors so much and loving the horse. I was one of those young girls who was just obsessed with horses from a very young age. So my passion for the horse and loving to be outside is what lead me also into the shamanism. And wanting to give back to the horse for all they had done for me over the years and my horse for how much it was giving to me. Also, because of who I am, I have a tremendous sensitivity to the environment. As a young child, and as an adult with my horse, I was able to feel what was going on with horses and understand what they were trying to communicate when people around them didn’t necessarily realize. I became very aware of a lot of issues, the longer I had a horse and rode other horses, like the complexity and the amount of discomfort and pain a lot of horses were in. I just wanted to help in that area because it was putting everything together everything I loved; just everything I love comes together in that. It’s just sort of that simple. I end up working with the people too, ultimately, when I work with the horses; it’s indivisible.
MS. MIGNEAULT: In your work with horses you are saying you are noticing all these places where they are, a lot of times, in pain. Why do you think that is?
MS. KRANTZ: Horses, like humans, are domesticated. We have moved away from our original agreements with the earth, and with creation. Horses, like us, wear shoes. Horses’ shoes tend to be metal and nailed on their feet, so that can really affect their level of health. Horses are evolved to move about twenty (plus) miles a day walking and grazing. Many horses today, not all, are confined, like us. We have become confined by living in homes and going from one building to another via car. It is the whole domestication process that’s a big piece in this for all of us.
MS. MIGNEAULT: So in some way (horses) are disconnected from the earth in their own way, too.
MS. KRANTZ: Yes, they don’t necessarily have a chance to develop family units. The males are gelded out of necessity, because how many stallions can you manage around mares? So, its just a product of them being domesticated and being with us is a good bit of it. I’m sure there are injuries and things that happen to them in the wild. I haven’t lived with a wild herd, so I can’t tell you, directly. I’ve experienced (wild horses), I know they have their issues that are more directly related to their lifestyle.
But, the horses we live have issues and some of those come from trauma. This isn’t – I am not trying to point fingers at any owners, either. All the owners that I’ve dealt with, that come to me, have nothing but the best interest for their animals in mind, but things happen. Horses can fall; they can have a difficult birth. They are like us; there are so many levels this can happen on. The beauty of the work that I do – and any healer does, I guess, to some level – is that it addresses not only the physical issue going on with the horse, whether its an injury from some event, but also trauma.
I have dealt with rescue horses who have been through some serious trauma in how they have been handled in the past. (Healing) deals with the body, the mind, the emotions and the spirit, because they are all connected; and when you can’t get in one way, you can go in another. I think that’s the real power of it is that.
MS. MIGNEAULT: That’s beautiful. My own experience with horses, one of my last partners, he had some horses and they were free grazing in this pasture and I use to spend time with them every single day. It was my first time to really have that experience of being so close to these beings. I was just amazed in their sensitivity, in terms of – as creatures, these big animals with so much power and then so much sensitivity. Do you thinks that has something to do with that they end up getting injured and things like that. Or maybe you could just speak to their sensitivity a bit.
MS. KRANTZ: Well, they’re vulnerable; they’re animals of prey. I think that’s really a big piece of it. They’re animals of prey and they are very dependent – interdependent on each other as a herd in the wild. If you have more than one horse together, which you need to do because psychologically it is very challenging for almost all horses, there are some that are exceptions, for almost all horses to be alone. So, they have a whole herd structure that they use in order to survive and when they are in a domestic environment they build those relationships with horses within the barn, or that they see each day or that they are turned out with. They’re vulnerable, they use each other’s awareness, they stay in touch with to keep track of what is going on in the environment so that they can flee if there’s danger.
At the same time, we come in and we’re a dominant species. Essentially we’re prey animals, but horses have been domesticated for so many thousands of years that we have a bond with horses. It is not like; they don’t resent humans; the horses I ‘ve worked with all express tremendous love for their owners, and gratitude for the care they give them. But, what happens is we come in and because of who we are, we are human beings, and we have an animal whose mentality is one of service in relation to us, by choice, partially; and also because there is some level of us interjecting force on them. So, the horse becomes a vehicle for people achieving what they want to achieve, and having an agenda, and sometimes that just creates problems.
MS. MIGNEAULT: We need to take a little break. I really want to dive in and talk about how your work has ben able to effectively be with some of those issues that you see coming up with the horses you are working with when we get back from the beak and dive into that of that’s OK.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Thank you so much for all you’ve shared and it is just fascinating to really get on the inside of your world and hear about your experiences. So, we’ll dive in a little bit more when we get back. This is Julie Migneault here, with Ginger Krantz, here on Embodied Awakening Radio. We are gong to take a break and we will be right back.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Welcome back to Embodied Awakening Radio with your host Julie Migneault. I’m here today with our special guest, Ginger Krantz, who works doing energetic healing with horses and also other domesticated animals, but mostly horses. She’s been sharing some of her experiences and knowledge with us and we are just kind of diving in to really understand more about the type of healing work you do. Ginger. Can you tell us a little bit about that and what type of issues you found your healing work to treat effectively?
MS. KRANTZ: Sure. I work with horses and their owners either long-distance or in-person. Long-distance is structured a little different, because I don’t have my hands on. It tends to deal more with connecting with the animal through spirit, which I do in-person, too but there’s more of the physical dimension (in-person) and when I dialogue with the owner it has a lot more to do with the physical. Usually an owner discusses with me what’s going on with the animal and then I check in with the animal and find out what they have to say about things. From there I go to addressing the issues through working with (the animal’s) energy field and their body and their mind.
What’s so interesting to me about it is: as much as I love this work, every time I go and start working with an animal, when I merge my energy field with them, to find out who they are and what’s going on and have that silent dialogue that occurs without words, there’s always that amazing uniqueness of the individual. There are no horses alike, like people; and once you start to move in there and get to know them and to feel their experience and how life has shaped them, it ’s just pretty profound.
For some horses, no one’s ever done that before and that alone can be a really life-changing experience for them. See, I have an advantage over the owners. For, like I said, these owners care deeply for these animals and the horses have become family, these animals become family for people. So, they’re so close to them, sometimes it’s hard for them to be objective about things. Sometimes they have an agenda, they want to ride or whatever, and there’s nothing wrong with that; horses love to have a job. Horses get upset when things happen to them, just like us. They don’t want to be injured; they want to do their job. But, I have the advantage that I’m going in without an agenda; so I’m a very different person. So, I coming in and I don’t have an agenda, I don’t have that closeness to them, that relational family type closeness that can create distortions. So I can just be with them and simply be one hundred percent doing only what’s for their highest good and have a dialogue with them about what they need. That’s pretty transformational.
As I work with them, I’m asking them questions. I’m working and I’m learning about them. There’s a lot of – the horses will communicate with me. If I am in person they’ll do things like point to my body, places where they want help in their body. Or they’ll look at their body where they want me to help. They’ll look directionally, sometimes they’ll look into their body, pointing. It’s just really interesting. Sometimes they’ll actually take my body and move me to another part of on (their) body.
They are different than people, with people I tend to work systematically, through the body to the head. With horses I let go of that pretty soon on, because they get very adamant about where I work and like I said, actually reposition me and reposition themselves under my hands. I don’t fight that; I go with it.
When I work with them I have all sorts of responses. I have responses like: sometimes they’ll walk away because they are not like humans, they’re not just going to stand there; and if energy starts to get moving they want to move because it is so much energy. Then I’ll just bring them back; I don’t confine them in any way. They are free to do what they want to do because I want to see how they respond; I want to have that dialogue on every level.
While I work on them neck vertebrae will pop and move back in position. Horses will yawn, stretch their mouths, lick and chew and release. Sometimes the bodies will shudder, muscles will twitch; sometimes they’ll do big involuntary – huge movements like jump up in the air. I had one horse almost go down like a dog and sit and hop back up. They do all sorts of adjustments that will happen to them. Or emotional pain, they’ll communicate through the releases of emotional pain. Like their heart opening and the breaking; just like a horse I worked on last week, from a loss issue. So there’s things like that, that go on with them and the results are pretty amazing.
The most basic that comes out of every healing is a happier, sweeter horse; more affectionate is what I hear al the time, “Oh he, or she, is so much more affectionate and more fluid.” More fluid movement is another one. The energy work is very effective in releasing held tension. The horse ends up letting go of chronic pain. The energy moving reduces inflammation. Whether its chronic or an acute injury, the swelling will go down and the heat will go away. I’ve had horses that have been not sound, or lame, will go sound from a healing; one healing or two healings. I’ve had vertebrae will realign. I’ve had hind ends that were uneven, become even.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Physical things that you can see right away, right? In addition to more affection and happiness, there’s this physical level, the shifts that seem to be physical.
MS. KRANTZ: Yes, some are right away and some take longer. I usually suggest a month between healings, unless it is something very acute and then I recommend a week or two weeks, because it really takes time for it to move fully through the system and a lot of big structural changes that happen so the body has to do that slowly. As the tendons let go and bones realign. There are things that people accept as what we call confirmation in horses: this is how their body type is and this is the way the horse is always going to be, but I’ve had countless horses’ conformation just change. Horses get physically taller, longer as the alignment of their limbs; the natural angles in their joints that maybe had changed out of compensation go back. I’ve had a lot of that.
That’s just some of the structural sort of every day things that happen to horses. I’ve had some illness situations where a horse, and other animals too, have had blood tests at the vet, before and after a healing. They had remarkable changes, improvements in their blood levels just within a few days, directly from the healing, which have been pretty amazing. I’ve had Lyme’s indicators disappear; I’ve had that in more than one case. Livers with elevated enzymes go back to normal. So those are things you don’t see that happen which is what is so amazing about the work; there is so much that we don’t know that happens.
MS. MIGNEAULT: That’s with humans, too. We don’t always know exactly what the depth of the impact is.
MS. KRANTZ: One of the horses, I was mentioning, that I had spent a lot of time with; he had a right leg, lower tendon injury and I was always drawn to his heart. He had lost his sister a few years before I met the horse and I just felt like his heart was completely broken. Of course, being sensitive it’s something that you might not pick up on, I don’t know, the owner may not, in this case – yes, but like the ability to maybe sense into. I always wondered if it was connected to that leg and I was just so touched by how deeply I could feel this being having an emotional experience. More so than, say, my cat. There is this difference. I’m wondering, if you could?
MS. KRANTZ: Well, there are a couple things there. One, your cat is family. Two, the horse has a very, huge energy field. Like I tell the participants in my classes, you really need to be grounded and build a strong vessel to work with a horse. Because you are in their energy field. You are in it and you are just a fraction of it. You are in it, so when a horse feels fear it is going to just run right through your entire body. Or if a horse feels their heart breaking, you are going to feel your heart just wrench.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Yeah, yeah that makes sense. The only other time I’ve had that experience is swimming with whales. Their energy field is just ginormous! Its massive, just being on a boat near them is like, “Whoa!” because they’re such big creatures. My experience was like that, I could be thirty feet from them in the water and just engulfed in that energy and so what you are saying is resonating for me with the horses, as well. Yes, there is this energy field that is coming off them that is them that we’re connecting with so much more deeply. That helps me a lot.
MS. KRANTZ: Were you able to help the horse?
MS. MIGNEAULT: I don’t know. I didn’t really do anything, consciously, other than just be present there with him. I was, in my mind, just sharing with him my compassion – and empathy. Like, “I see, I see you in your pain.” He used to nuzzle my heart, put his little head up to my heart once and awhile, but he was also very, very standoffish. He was protected it felt like and it was harder to get close to him than the other horse that was in the pasture. I was just playing with that dynamic because I haven’t been really trained in horse healing, or even working with horses. It’s something completely new to me and like you said, as a little girl I always wanted to be around horses and riding them.
MS. KRANTZ: But that’s where it starts, with that acknowledgement. You see the pain, you share it with the animal and that’s healing, right there. That’s healing; someone who has acknowledged a human bond, crossed the species barrier, consciously, taken it down and acknowledged that of the animal. Its huge, I’m sure he had some shifts from that. Someone cared, it would be like you sitting down with a human and they said, “Gee, thanks for listening, you really cared,” like a friend.
The heart chakra and the nuzzling; they can nuzzle if your heart chakra, if its closed, they’ll nuzzle it to open it sometimes. If you’re closed, some horses will work on you.
MS. KRANTZ: Yeah, they will. They’ll give back. I’ve had countless horses. I had one gelding who I used to work on regularly, because he was older and I did maintenance on him. It got to a point after a couple years where he became a healer, he just got it and he would come up to me sometimes and start, like if I had a meridian running down my leg that was closed he would just start go down my leg nuzzling.
MS. KRANTZ: Yeah! He would thank me after the healings by licking my heart and licking my heart and licking my heart. One day, I just let him and he literally soaked my whole shirt right at my heart chakra. Soaked it! Soaked it! They are so loving, they are so giving and they so appreciate people meeting them in their world: their world of communicating through the heart. The language beyond words; it is so rich when you delve in it.
To me it’s so rewarding to watch these horses transform and have them, not that they have to express their gratitude towards me, but they always do. Often in ways that create really, really are huge shifts for me. They are really marked how they will thank me, often. It’s very memorable.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Wow, my heart is opening just hearing this. It’s so magical, really, the willingness to cross that barrier and to be with them and to have the experience of that communion. What an honor, what a treat.
MS. KRANTZ: Yes, and people can do this. People come to my, I have an introductory workshop I do the: Healing with Horses. By the end of two days people feel, they just get it. They have a chance to really get validated in the communication that is happening with these horses, and to build on it. They start to get some confidence that they can make a difference and they can do healing on these horses. Its accessible, its very accessible.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Well I’d love to hear more about that and how we can start to maybe access that for those of us who are around horses or have the opportunity for that. We need to take another quick break. We are going to hear from our founders at Intention Radio in just a minute and we’ll be back. I am your host, Julie Migneault, and I am here with Ginger Krantz today, who is sharing some amazing stories, some heart-opening stories about her works with horses. We’ll be right back.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Welcome back to Embodied Awakening Radio. This is Julie Migneault and I’m here today with Ginger Krantz who’s been sharing some amazing stories of her work with horses and how she embarked on that journey. Thanks so much for being with us, Ginger
MS. KRANTZ: No problem. My pleasure! (Laugh)
MS. MIGNEAULT: Yeah, this is amazing, thank you. You were mentioning right before the break that you do some workshops to help people connect with horses. Can you tell us a little bit about that and maybe share some of your wisdom for the individual who might be around horses and not have ever thought about connecting with them in the way that you’re mentioning – that you’re sharing.
MS. KRANTZ: Well, I teach; I have, I teach the Healing with Horses workshop, which is the introductory, which I mentioned to you. Which teaches, helps people understand how horses communicate with them all the time. It helps them build their awareness around that and also to build their faith and confidence in healing. Teaching them some basic healing skills and then applying it to horses. People work directly on horses and they see some amazing results in the course of a weekend! It’s a wonderful opportunity.
Then I have a class called The Path of The Healer where we go further and start to work with intention and as a healer your personal gifts and how you bring that to healing, and how to develop your personal gifts. Then, also the class I am having in a couple weeks: The Chakras of the Human and Horse.
MS. KRANTZ: Where people learn about the chakras, where they are on their own bodies, then learn about the chakras and the different functions of the chakras. Then we go on to locate them on horses and do healing work on horses, on the chakras.
MS. MIGNEAULT: It sounds like anybody can really step into this work if they feel called; they feel a passion for that.
MS. KRANTZ: Absolutely, and that’s my job, helping people find that confidence and have that experience and give them the feedback so that they can move through the barriers they would put in their own way: their own mind, their self-doubt or criticism. To help them move through that, really quickly. You know, when you have someone there, that’s the advantage of having a teacher: someone can say, share with them what they see happening and encourage them and validate what’s going on and give them feedback. That’s what I have passion for: I love to teach. I love to teach.
MS. MIGNEAULT: I can feel it. I was wondering if there are some things, for people who are listening today, what are some of the ways that you see that are most easily accessible in term of: How can we start building a relationship with a horse? A conscious relationship.
MS. KRANTZ: Assuming you’re familiar with horses and you know basics like being careful around them physically, just because they are large animals. If you know those basics, I would say to approach the animal without any expectation. Don’t reach out to touch them. Just come and stand with them and be present – and let them come to you. That, alone, is very different than how a lot of people approach horses and right there you’re honoring who they are and you’re meeting them in a common ground.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Yeah, what kind of impact does that have on the horse, to just be with them instead of reaching out for them? Have you noticed?
MS. KRANTZ: Well, horses by nature are curious animals and they have, like I said, spent a lot of years with humans and they want to connect. They want to be friends – most of them. Some have had really unfortunate experiences and maybe they’re afraid of humans; they don’t trust. They’ve lost their trust. But, a majority of them will be curious and want to connect! They’ll want to approach you and explore you. Their muzzle, which is where their mouth is, is their most sensitive part of their body. So, they’ll want to come to you with that, most likely. Not their hoof. It is different when you present a hand to them, that’s not a natural thing for a horse. Actually a natural thing for one horse to approach another horse is to approach each other side by side, so you could stand by their shoulder and have them come around and meet you, approach them that way. Right there, you’re asking for a dialogue. You’re not just walking up and saying, “Nice horse,” or whatever; (Expressing) the beauty that they are, which is all very true, but it’s opening yourself to what is in the moment and experiencing that animal for who they are as an individual and getting to know them in, I guess I want to say, a more humble way: as an equal.
MS. MIGNEAULT: What I really hear is an honoring, a listening. Like coming up beside them is really honoring their natural way of being, that we can observe and listen.
MS. KRANTZ: Yes, and listening. That is the accurate word, the perfect word. Listening.
MS. MIGNEAULT: So, when you are communicating with horses you said they’ll sort of point you, by moving under your hands or kind of looking a certain way. But, I’m hearing you say you’re getting a lot more information than that. You’re communicating on a whole different level that I am sure comes from years of experience and listening. How does that happen for you? Because I’m hearing you are really connecting with their emotions and their thoughts.
MS. KRANTZ: Right, well it is happening while I am doing the work. For instance, working on a horse who, for instance I’ve worked on quite a few horses that are rescue horses who have had some serious backgrounds. So, let’s say I’ have a horse who can’t even tolerate human touch. So I’m going to approach them and I am doing a lot with feel. So, I’m reading them energetically and the dialogue is my physical movement integrated with my heart feeling them and listening to them and my mind being open to whatever communication they’re going to bring to me. It’s like the body becomes a tool of awareness. The information is integrated on all levels at all time. So to do that I, again, I can’t have any agenda; I have to be open. I’m there for their total best interest. If I have a horse, and this happens – I’ve had several like this that are in so much pain or have been so abused that they cannot tolerate being touched. Or for hereditary reasons, I’ve had that too, they cannot be touched. So, it’s a good example because you have to just meet them and see where their tolerance is and start there; and start the dance where it is not force. So, they have to totally understand that you’re there one-hundred percent for their self interest and any time I start to get resistance from the animal, and if that means two feet away, then I stop right there. Maybe back off and I ask. I establish the honoring of them again: “I am here for your best interest.” This is the type of dialogue that is going on energetically, and “Can I do this?” and this is my reason why: “because my feeling is this and I am aware that this has happened to you.” This is all in the
(energy) field, maybe not words, and sometimes it is words for the benefit of the owner, or the caretaker, near me. Because I want them to know if their horse has some sort of reaction that I am considering it and what is going on.
MS. MIGNEAULT: So I hear a lot of intention; you holding that in your (energy) field and letting the horse feel, sense into that, then respond and then taking that as more information.
MS. KRANTZ: Yes, exactly. Right. It’s not always such an extreme case as not being able to touch the body. I’m thinking of a horse that has had a lot of trauma, I’ve had several with trauma to the spine. I go in and I am working and opening things up; and then as the areas in the body that were blocked, like in the spine; as that opens and that (energy) starts to go up and hits the brain there will be involuntary headshakes.
Then I’ve had horses have waves of terror because that’s been blocked and probably blocked because of something they were afraid of, so they set that block in the body and/or just the opening of that rush of the energy to the brain, they’re just projecting the fear outside, that it’s in their environment. So always working with that and then its just wait and I have to just wait and step back. Then I’m comforting them. It’s a dance, of where they’re at and then asking if they’re ready, again. Are they ready for me to do that again, because this is helping them. So, they have to get to that… you know, when I first work with a horse, it’s like the first twenty minutes or so of them facing the challenge of letting go, because it can be really uncomfortable. For them to sort of get that click where they really start to get, “This is…Oh, gosh, I really feel better!” after each shift that happens here, “OK, yes.” “OK, so I want you to do this,” and, “Now I want you to work here.” They can get really demanding, and “Now I want you to work here and do this and go back there and do that, right now!” and “Oh! OK, that’s enough!” Well, they get like that!
MS. MIGNEAULT: (Laugher) That’s so funny!
MS. KRANTZ: They do! They do!
MS. MIGNEAULT: Really? They’re like, “A Helper! A helper, finally someone who understands me!” (Laugher)
MS. KRANTZ: Oh no, no kidding! Then after the first healing there is pattern. After the second healing they get really excited, by the third healing they are usually waiting at the gate, before I even show up. (Laughter)
MS. MIGNEAULT: “Ginger’s here!’ (Laugh)
MS. KRANTZ: “She’s coming! I know she’s coming!” (Laughter)
MS. MIGNEAULT: “I have my list of thing to work on,” (Laughter)
MS. KRANTZ: It’s that real. It’s that real, yes. They’re not really list keepers, they’re thinking of it more holistically, but its there. (Laugh)
MS. MIGNEAULT: They know; they’re ready. It’s so amazing. I noticed, I’m telling you my own experience again with these horses that I would go visit every day. They knew me; they would come running across the pasture when they would hear my voice after a little while. They’re just so connected. I would call out to them and I don’t know if it was because they thought I would feed them or what. (Laughter) That sort of happened over time that they could recognize me from across the pasture. Its just amazing, it’s just such a feeling of that connection that I think we all seek: humans, horses, everyone. It’s healing, it’s been healing for me to be around horses in that way and feel that they’re engaging in the connection as well. It’s really special.
MS. KRANTZ: They‘re herd animals; there’s safety in numbers, they want to be your friend and boy carrots earn brownie points.
MS. MIGNEAULT: We are kind of herd animals ourselves, too, you know. We might be more predators to horses than that, but we are herd animals, as well. We stay in packs and we like to have that connection. So, there’s some common ground.
We have to take another break, but I’d really like to hear about your work with the horse and the owners and that dynamic. So something for everyone to look forward to as we take a little bit of a break here. This is Julie Migneault at Embodied Awakening Radio with Ginger Krantz who is sharing her work as healing work with horses. We’ll be right back to dive back in.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Hi everyone, this is Julie Migneault on Embodied Intention Radio and its good to have you back. Ginger, are you still with us?
MS. KRANTZ: Yes, I am.
MS. MIGNEAULT: It’s good to have you with us. I’m having a lot of fun. I’m really, really just loving your stories; thank you.
MS. KRANTZ: You’re welcome.
MS. MIGNEAULT: It’s really fascinating to get inside, like I said, and hear how you have been just really working with horses and I’d love to hear about your experience in sort of the dynamic between the owner and the horse. How you might work with them as well.
MS. KRANTZ: When people call me, like I said, the people who come to me, call me all have their horses best interest in mind, otherwise they wouldn’t be calling a healer. And as I said the horses always express this incredible love and respect for their owners. But the owners often have some fear around what is their horse going to say to her. “What am I going to find out?” A lot of what I do, initially, is to placate that. But, if there is some concerns on the horse’s part, I will say it for the animal, I will let the owner know. It’s not often the case because they’re grateful, they’re very grateful for what they have. They are grateful for the bond and the connection.
When I work with owners, especially when I work at distance, a lot of it is through dialogue. Because I talk at great length with the owners about what’s going on with their animal. People have expressed to me that it helps them a lot because I am able to give them a perspective, after I do the healing, through their animal’s eyes. I am able to help them see how (their animals) think, how they feel and have that understanding that they didn’t have. So I help the owners in that way.
Also, when I am with them in person, I’ll be talking and dialoguing with them about the horse. Sometimes I will actually touch the owners and help them in their relational things that are coming up – with a heart issue.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Does that happen often?
MS. KRANTZ: Sometimes it does but it’s not a set thing, no. The owner is there. I actually require that the owner be present with the animal. The only time I make an exception is in an emergency situation because the owner’s field is so connected to the animal’s that what happens with the animal is going to affect them on some level. So I think it is important that they’re there. One, so their consciousness is fully with the animal, so they are not doing something else, because part of it is involved with the healing; so they can be fully present. (Two) because everything that is influencing the horse or the animal is influencing them because there’s dynamics and it doesn’t necessarily have to be named. I don’t necessarily have to work on them directly but it is going on. A lot of the talking afterwards, the debriefing, helps integrate that for the owner.
Then, like I said, sometimes I do work on (the owner) directly and some people have asked to work with their horse and them in relation, like handling their horse. Now, in that case, that’s a different thing. Then I’m definitely helping them with how they are running their energy in relation to their animal and in relation to their training. I’ll be working with them and I’ll also be helping them see what they’re not seeing; how their horse is actually doing what they’ve been asking the horse to do, but they think they‘ve been asking something else.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Right, so you can read the filed and see what that dynamic is and how their horse is responding to something that might be unconscious in the way the human is sharing their message.
MS. KRANTZ: Right, because horses are known for their honesty, because they will reflect the truth of how you are feeling and what is going on with you. They’re not believing words. What’s real for them is what’s really real for you, though you might not be conscious of it in the moment.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Wow! So, have you worked with horses in that capacity, in the sense that – the horse becomes the healer and has the capacity to show some deep things that are going on that might be unconscious to a human.
MS. KRANTZ: Well, I think they do it all the time. That’s why horses are becoming very popular in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) and working with people with addictions, all sorts of illnesses and also helping individuals, groups from corporations develop team building, because horses can be used as tools to reflect what’s really going on. An honest and healing relationship with an individual. So, horses are known for that and have a reputation for that and as their roles are changing, as we evolve as humans, they’re moving into specifically that role, currently.
Myself, as a healer, I feel really drawn in giving to the horses. To me that (EAP) is very valuable and I am not discounting it in any way; but to me, my role, just because of who I am is to give back to them. And to help people who want to really just give to the horses because I feel they have given us so much to us. That’s where I come from.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Umm, umm, umm…I’m just tuning in…just being in your presence, Ginger, is really heart-opening when you talk about that, that relationship with the horse. I’m just like feeling it and I’m wondering if some of those lessons, the things you received in giving to the horses that have kind-of affected your day to day life, if there’s some nuggets of wisdom or things that you carry into you life that you could share with the audience, as sort of an opportunity for us to take some of that also into our lives.
MS. KRANTZ: (Silence) I’m not quite sure what you mean, sorry.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Like I’m hearing all of this dynamic, I feel how much wisdom you carry because of your relationship with horses and I am wondering how you take that back into your day to day life. I mean the sensitivity or the listening; do you bring that into other aspects in your life with humans? Are there things we could learn in that way? It is probably so natural for you.
MS. KRANTZ: (Long silence) I don’t know. I don’t know how to answer that really. I know that I feel tremendous gratitude. Not just to the horses, but to the people who have helped me on my healing path. You know, Barbara Brennan – oh, my goodness and the years I spent with her. To my teacher, Tom Brown, Jr. To all the people that laid hands on me over the years to help me get to where I am today. Where I am today and where I was twenty-two years ago when I started on this path, as a healer is profoundly different. I wouldn’t be here, except for the people. So, it is for me about helping the horses, and I do treasure them so much; but if anything I have taken from this is that I just need to give back, because I have been given so much. I pray, every day- every day, that others will join me and you and the other healers out there in believing in the power of healing and turning their lives over to walking this path.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Thank you so much for sharing that message Ginger, that our own healing journey can bring us into our purpose and all this giving back that you have done, it is really touching me. All that you have shared, thank you so much.
MS. KRANTZ: You’re welcome.
MS. MIGNEAULT: So how can we deepen with you if some of you listeners are feeling the excitement about working with horses and want to know more about some of your stories of transformation with horses. How can we do that?
MS. KRANTZ: My website is a wonderful resource. It has information about my classes and I have a blog. There are testimonials people have done and some stories. The name of the website is and I also have a Facebook Page.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Yeah! I love your Facebook Page. I love seeing your updates, your photos and stories. Please share!
MS. KRANTZ: That’s called EarthHorseHealing, too.
MS. MIGNEAULT: Wonderful. If anyone has a horse or other pets, because I know you work with other animals; you worked with my cat. You work with other animals, right?
MS. KRANTZ: Absolutely, dogs and cats, and oh boy I would love to have someone call me with exotics and ask me to work with exotics! Oh my goodness, that’s my dream. (Laughter)
MS. MIGNEAULT: Oh, really! So if you are struggling with an exotic pet, Ginger is your woman! (Giggle)
MS. KRANTZ: Oh yes! (Laughter)
MS. MIGNEAULT: Good to know and my own personal experience has been really wonderful. You have really, really helped my cat and I was in a transition, so thank you. Thanks for that, again. I really recommend that people try out your work and see how, what shifts can happen and how that’s positive for the owner, as well as the animal. When your animal is feeling better, it takes a lot of stress off, because they are part of our family.
Ok, so Earth Horse Healing on Facebook and is how we can get in touch with Ginger. On the Embodied Awakening radio show page we will have her bio and picture so you can get to take look and also those links available for everyone.
Thank you so much for being with us. What a treat, what a gift to all of us. Thank you for giving back to us in this way and sharing with us your journey with healing work with horses. I just feel really, really, really grateful. Thank you so much.
MS. KRANTZ: Thank you, Julie, for making this possible and thank you to everyone who is listening, I really appreciate that.
JULIE MIGNEAULT, HOST: Wonderful! OK, so this had been another episode of Embodied Awakening on Intention Radio. We will back next week at Friday at 5 Hawaiian time – 8 pm Pacific, every Friday. So make sure to tune in live and join us. I look forward to being with you. Thanks everyone!