The wind was steady at 25 mph with the temperature below freezing. Even though earlier in the day my rational mind had said “no” to the possibility of taking a walk, I now felt the clear call to take a break from the office and to do just that. Saying “yes,” I dressed in wool from head to toe and …
Animals are instinctively aware - it is important to their survival. It is an essential skill for healing, also. Awareness allows the healer to perceive beyond the physical body, understand animal communication and provide healing with effective results.
The Joy of Listening to Your Inner Voice
This morning I was a running couple hours late, so when my heart spoke the request to go for a walk on the beach, I baulked. I had many excuses, primarily the lack of time remaining in the morning for,what I believed, I needed to do today. Also, I was very hungry and the sun was already too high to …
Opening the Door to Awareness and Healing
This morning a Mockingbird landed on the wire outside my door and began its call. Mockingbirds are considered mimics; they repeat the calls of other birds as a means of defining their territory. This bird cried out a loud, series of calls and I began to listen. The calls were unclear to me and I …