Alex is believed to be a 21 yr. old AQH Standardbred cross. He was a rescue from a barn nine months prior, where he was being ridden while in very poor condition and uncomfortable all over his body. Alex was now retired to pasture and had put on weight. He was on supplements for pain, but recently …
Equine Healing
Healing horses is an inspiring and deeply rewarding practice. Through shamanism and energy healing, a horse can recover from emotional trauma, illness, injury and much more.
Healing with Horses at Helping Hearts Equine Rescue
Helping Hearts is the perfect name for this equine rescue. There was a lot of deep, heart-felt healing at the recent workshop held at the facility. After exercises to help them experience energy, the students were grounded and ready to begin the healing with the horses. First we observed and …
How Can We Heal Our Own Horse – the One Closest to Us?
My horse, Herz, is twenty-nine years old. He has a chronic right front suspensory injury, it is one of the primary reasons he is retired. It is a spring ritual for him to take a romp and to re-injure it. Today was that day. I told Herz how sorry I was that he was in pain and that his structural …