This season is a time of gratitude and giving. A time to celebrate the beauty of the earth, her gifts of evergreen boughs and crystalized water falling from the sky. A time of open hearts – an opportunity to share our love with those around us.
Making seed cones is an easy way to enrich the lives of wild animals this season. Children too, can help as you collect the fallen pine cones. Tie a thread to the top of the cone, with a loop so they can be hung on bushes or trees. Faces will light up as the kidlets slather peanut butter over and between the scales of the cones. Best to do this on a cookie sheet as it can become a bit messy with youngsters. Let some of the loose PB drop off, then roll the covered cones in birdseed until coated.
Hang them on trees, bushes, a fence; high or low, and let the wee ones simply place threadless cones on the ground. Wherever, they will be found soon and the birds and animals will thank you.

May your holiday season be blessed with peace.
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