In this class participants explored what it mans to walk on the path of the healer, how the journey is in integral part of the process of healing in their own lives. We explored some different models to support their understanding of the healer’s journey and the effects of it upon the human chakra system. The participants experienced receiving healings for themselves by giving them to each other. This helped them to have a better understanding of the deep effects their healings have had upon the horses.
When it came to the equine healings, the participants allowed the horses to decide who was ready and willing. This was the second workshop at In The Company of Horses, so the horses were very aware if what was in store for them. As soon as the first two healers were through the paddock gate, Hearty bee-lined out of the run- in shed before any other horse even moved to meet and greet them. That was clear and easy!
Notice that before the healing Hearty is rather tense overall, especially in her front end: behind her withers, the base of her neck and at the poll. Many attempts were made to have her prick up her ears and to place her weight onto her right rear leg – all were unsuccessful.
After the healing we can see that Hearty has become more relaxed in her body and mind. No one asked her to prick up her ears for this photo – she is doing it naturally. She is now also willing to weight her right hind leg. She is soft at the withers, across her back and all the way down through her front legs. She is open and clear at the poll; she is now attentive with her mind. The tension in her face has disappeared and the position of her tail also reflects the newfound comfort in her body. Everyone noticed that Hearty walked off in a more fluid manner.
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