What led me to the horses is my love for the earth and all her creatures. What drives me to work with the horses is my longing for the truth; the inherent Oneness of all life to be realized by humankind. What inspires me is the unconditional love and gratitude the horses express for the healing …
The Heart
The heart has deep wisdom and knows our inner most truths. Animal communication is spoken silently, through the heart. A heart to heart connection is vital to forming trust between the healer and the patient. It is the heart that guides each individual on their own healing journey.
The Joy of Listening to Your Inner Voice
This morning I was a running couple hours late, so when my heart spoke the request to go for a walk on the beach, I baulked. I had many excuses, primarily the lack of time remaining in the morning for,what I believed, I needed to do today. Also, I was very hungry and the sun was already too high to …