Valentine is a mare belonging to by Mary Ann Brewer, owner of In the Company of Horses, who hosted the Healing with Horses workshop. Valentine works as a therapy horse during Mary Ann’s weekly Equine Assisted Psychotherapy sessions with clients. Valentine received healings during the weekend workshop and this was Mary Ann’s update on Valentine and the other horses in our workshop the following week.
“Ginger Texted me Tuesday morning (two days after the workshop) and said she had a dream that today is Valentine’s Day ~ so I got to see what that meant at work! She offered herself up in every available moment to our clients. Everyone picked her and she picked them. She is usually willing, but she worked extra on Tuesday. Sometimes in the past, she would run away when she was done, and at some point, most days at work these horses will lie down and have extensive naps. I jokingly say they are American’s at work! On Tuesday, even though Summer did lay down right near our group during our processing at the end, no one else joined in. This was unusual.

Lovely photos of a special time with my lovely girl whose birthday is today! Thank you Ginger for all you do to help us all learn and feel better!